With standout modern rugs gracing your floors, there's no chance that your home will have an austere or chilly feel. Instead, you can create spaces alive with color, texture, and pattern. This collection features an astounding variety of contemporary rugs. With everything from animal hides to wool and silk, abstract motifs to images of the natural world, and lustrous neutrals to vibrant jewel tones, there's something here for you. And, while this group of rugs is perfect for home fashions de jour, these handmade gems will look amazing for ages.

Tic-Tac-Toe Handwoven Closeout Rug, J48131

9' 2" X 12' 0"

$8,200.00 $4,100.00

Uranus Handwoven Contemporary Closeout Rug, J47307

9' 0" X 12' 0"

$10,500.00 $5,250.00

Erased Look Handwoven Closeout Rug, J42231

6' 0" X 8' 11"

$3,750.00 $1,312.50

Box Handwoven Closeout Rug, J27145

9' 0" X 12' 0"

$6,500.00 $2,275.00

Pieced Handwoven Contemporary Rug, J26534

11' 8" X 15' 4"


Sante Fe Handwoven Closeout Rug, J25474

7' 11" X 9' 11"

$3,150.00 $1,575.00

Duma Handwoven Closeout Rug, J22004

6' 0" X 9' 0"

$3,650.00 $1,095.00

Montol Handwoven Closeout Rug, J50776

9' 1" X 12' 1"

$9,400.00 $4,700.00

Curves Animal Hide Contemporary Closeout Rug, J32600

8' 0" X 10' 0"

$5,600.00 $1,680.00

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