Overdyed rugs and patchwork rugs are a great way to bring new life to antique and vintage area rugs. Using various color-modification techniques, overdyed rugs retain the class and charm of the original masterpieces while getting an infusion of vibrant, fresh hues. Patchworking gives neglected or deteriorating rugs a second chance. Distressed rugs are not only on-trend, they preserve and honor rug crafts. Plus, overdyed and patchwork rugs can make combining multiple design styles simple, creating an interesting and custom look in your home.

Sold out
Khotan Handwoven Transitional Rug, J70201

10' 2" X 13' 10"


Sold out
Baku Handwoven Transitional Rug, J70206

10' 0" X 14' 1"


Vintage Malayer Handwoven Transitional Rug, J69224

5' 2" X 9' 5"

$1,750.00 $1,400.00

Sold out
Vintage Karaja Handwoven Transitional Rug, J69276

4' 4" X 5' 10"

$1,800.00 $1,440.00

Vintage Bijar Handwoven Transitional Rug, J69616

9' 0" X 12' 1"

$5,800.00 $4,640.00

Vintage Tabriz Handwoven Transitional Rug, J69270

4' 5" X 5' 10"

$950.00 $760.00

Vintage Moud Handwoven Transitional Rug, J68399

6' 8" X 9' 10"

$4,000.00 $3,200.00

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