At the juncture of the silk and spice roads and the modern home are Tissage rugs. These evocative creations are masterfully-balanced contemporary interpretations of traditional styles. Our hand-knotted Tissage rugs draw upon classic techniques and sumptuous fibers like wool, silk, mohair, linen, and cashmere. An innovative, contemporary feel is infused through cutting-edge design choices. The resulting effect is weathered, yet rich, art pieces that will lend a global-chic sophistication to your living spaces. Available in a range of sizes, colors, and motifs — there's little doubt that your next great décor find is in this collection!

Ziegler Handwoven Transitional Rug, J71999

11' 11" X 15' 2"


Oushak Handwoven Transitional Rug, J72001

10' 1" X 13' 11"


Sold out
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