Abstract rugs are perfect statement pieces for your home, leveraging texture, shape, and color to create interest and meaning. The right abstract area rug can anchor the high-end style you love while still providing the warmth and softness that makes everyday homelife comfortable. With such a broad selection of modern abstract rugs, there are plenty in our collection that will add the perfect touch of luxury and artistry to any room. We invite you to browse our collection of unique, quality-made contemporary abstract rugs.

Mirage Handwoven Contemporary Rug, J62713

10' 0" X 14' 0"


Sun Handwoven Contemporary Rug, J65839

8' 0" X 10' 0"


Art Nouveau Handwoven Closeout Rug, J62774

7' 11" X 9' 7"

$2,900.00 $1,160.00

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