For many rugs being woven now, fabrics, rather than traditional rugs, are the inspiration for design. We have recently had a wonderful example when clients brought in a sample of their upholstery. The major decorative element of this fabric was a peacock. The clients were interested in a 8 x 16 foot rug based on this peacock design.
Eric, our graphics designer, created a rug incorporating images of four peacocks. Then, he and the clients reviewed our inventory of hundreds of color swatches to select the colors to use in the rug being created.
The next step was to test out the design in a sample. We then sent the rendering of the design and the codes of the selected colors to our weavers in Nepal. Within six weeks an air package arrived from Nepal. It contained a 2 x 2 foot sample of the design. Our clients immediately came in to check the results. We received an e-mail later in the day stating “we LOVE LOVE LOVE the rug” and placing an order for the full-size rug. They also very kindly offered to let us photograph the rug in their house when it arrives. When we do so, we will share the photograph on this blog.
The Inspiration: Upholstery Fabric

The Rendering: The Design of the Rug
The Strike-off: Woven 2’ x 2’ Sample of the Peacock Rug